The Michael Paul Wein Charitable Foundation "Underpromise and Overdeliver" |
We are most interested in receiving grant requests from new San Miguel charitable organizations. We want to be able to then make fast track grants. These will be one-time grants so that we can introduce ourselves to the organizations and they can introduce themselves to us. One way of causing this to happen is to temporarily shorten the path as follows: 1 - any organization that meets the requirements on our Eligibility page can submit a fast track grant request. 2 - this will require you to send us (by email) financial statements that YOU HAVE ALREADY prepared for your most recent entire PRIOR year AND ALSO a copy of your most recent CURRENT YEAR (just completed) statements, the latter showing evidence of your having been influenced by suggestions made by us on our examples or financials-example web-pages. 3 - depending upon the improvements between years (both the comparison with prior year statements AND your understanding and usage of our suggestions for current year), we will make a one-year grant in some amount PLUS sending you our emailed suggestions for improvement for the next year where we may offer an even larger grant. 4 - this is all intended to move your organization into compliance with our ON-Going grants program. While each year's ONE-YEAR grant is independent of that program, this process may lead to certification into our ON-Going program which will make you part of the much larger grant process that occurs after the Founder's death. 5 - Be aware that after the onset of any illness or incapacitation of the founder, no organization not certified by him prior to that time will be part of the MUCH LARGER grant program that will result from the (larger than) us$2,500,000 endowment which the MPWCF will have at its disposal shortly after the founder's death. 6 - Instead of all of the above, we actually recommend that you take the normal route as explained on the 1st year requirements page as that will prove advantageous to you in the long run. This is a reminder that the Fast Track method has its down sides.
Send all e-mail to with any questions or comments about this web site.
SPECIFY EXACTLY (using copy and paste) (and mentioning this page name) what your question or comment refers to. Note: in the event that the above information is no longer
accurate, see the newer web-page listing various subsequent changes
to this web-site after the founder's death. |