How does a
beginner (to the internet, to web-sites, or just to THIS web-site) find his or her way around
(i.e., how to find answers to questions?)
If you are
completely new to computers and web-sites, first you should read the
information on THIS page. Look below and we believe we will answer your
TO NEW COMPUTER OR WEB-SITE USERS on how to get around (or how to find
answers to your questions) on this web-site:
First of
all, you should know that LINKS which look like this
can be clicked upon to go that that particular place (or page).
You can also use the LINKS that appear at the top of each page (in a
purple-ish color) or along the left margin of each page (possibly in a shade of
purple or green) to go to that page. You can also use the BACK or FORWARD
icons which are generally at the top of each of your own browser's
page. BACK is especially useful when you made a false move in a
direction you did not want to go in.
know that the Home,
start, or index page
has a series of
questions that we assume you might ask, all in the order that we think you
might ask them. Just click on the LINK inside or just following
each question and you will find your answers where the link leads you.
You may
also wish to consult, if you are very new to this, a primer for
beginners which appeared on the SMA Online News Magazine. Just
click below on
or, secondarily,
But, most
important is the fact that you must READ something to understand