The Michael Paul Wein Charitable Foundation

"Underpromise and Overdeliver"

ongoing requirements
Home page some details financials-example annual certification

for Beginners Table of Contents Eligibility for grants Initial requirements ongoing requirements FAQs why this info Calendar our goals and mission Our grantees Our trustees Legalities miscellaneous Site Map

What MUST an organization do so that it may receive grants after the first grant is given? 

It is critical for any person representing any organization that wishes to be in our grant program to know that we have NO administrative staff and therefore if the requirements stated on this web-site are NOT met, second opportunities to apply for grants will most probably not be available, as we have huge limitations on our time availabilities.

Be sure to read "A important note about THIS web-site" at the bottom of both the Home page and the Table of Contents Page.

And, one more thing, we suggest you re-read the link "why this info"

For each succeeding year, each organization MUST:

by November 1st of each year:
send an email updating and/or confirming your current email address and your desire to continue in the MPWCF's grants program
submit information updating any changes in your status from the prior year (regarding your answers to questions 1 - 11 and 15 - 19 on our initial requirements web-page).  The other questions (#12, 13, and 14) should be considered and answered by February 1st (see below), 
be sure to read some additional details on this web-site and include your responses in the February 1st email.
by February 1st of each year, email to us:
a quantified and descriptive portrayal of your finances for the previous year (all in accordance with examples) including:
  1. a detailed category by category results of your receipts and your expenditures for the entire year.
  2. a detailed listing of cash categories, and any other assets, and other liabilities (this is normally called a balance sheet, or preferably a statement of financial condition).
  3. a reconciliation of the results of item #1 to the beginning and ending balances in item #2 above.     ****#1
  4. all of the above must be in comparative form (prior year, current year, budget for this year, budget for next year)
  5. any other financial information that is deemed appropriate (including descriptive "notes" where necessary - see BBB&public accountability).    ****#1a
  6. a statement that the submitter of the information has read and has understood why this information is necessary, especially our reasons for requiring accountability.
a narrative disclosing your first  and then subsequent attempts at a detailed plan for how you will plan, control, and appropriately use the vastly higher annual grants to your organization (from your share of our endowment that is guaranteed to be at least us$2,500,000) from our foundation which will commence upon the Founder's death (assuming nothing occurs that causes any suspicion of an unnatural death). This also assumes that you continue to satisfactorily meet the annual reporting requirements (like the ones you are reading now) prior to, and continuing after, his death.  Failure to plan is like planning for failure. ****#2
review your relationship with the USA's IRS and be sure that you know your status. See the two pages IRS Narrative and IRS financials
a more detailed discussion of internal financial and management controls with emphasis on how they relate to current funding as well as to your organization later on when our grants increase substantially (as discussed in immediately above). You will get a greater idea of what kinds of controls we are looking for when you read internal control    ****#3
we may have made certain suggestions and comments last year that should be referred to by you in this year's response, so be sure to re-read our final emails from last year.
we may have additional questions for this year, but they will be forwarded to you by email, if it seems appropriate to do so.
remember that we need all input to be submitted via email (with email attachments that we are able to edit, if necessary) sent to the below email address.     ****#4 and #5
submit your information for the current year, plus the certification for this year in the form shown on our annual certification page.
Should you have any questions, we refer you first to this web-site, and even more specifically refer to the pages showing
FAQs - answers to "frequently asked questions".
examples (of financial reports) that meet our needs (and yours, for that matter) as well as some more details explaining what is on this page.
We also remind you that volunteers in your organization are eligible for our lifetime achievement monetary award; and your organization and other volunteers are eligible for our periodic recognition of organizations and individuals (this is all explained on the lifetime achievement page).

The following is required for 4th year and later grantee organizations. And additional credit for 2nd and 3rd year organizations will be given to organizations that:

show that they have read and understand all (but only those) pages of this web-site that have anything to do with your organization's current status with this Foundation.
show that they comply with the various goals and mission of this Foundation as stated in various parts of this web-site
show that they are now ready to receive and deal with responsibly their proportionate share of the income from an endowment that will exceed us$2,500,000 (see funding) in the immediate future should this Foundation's founder die unexpectedly (but not an unnatural death from dishonest hands - see founders will)
show that they are capable of planning for the future.  Among their plans should be one to review this web-site well before the time information is due.  If questions are in order, and time is available to do so, we may answer them (but only) if they are submitted well before January 15th.  Failure to plan is like planning for failure.
protect their own organization against the slim possibility that, after the death of the Founder, a renegade trustee (or trustees) of this Foundation may wish to consciously or sub-consciously subvert the wishes of the Founder.  Grantees may find protection against this threat by reading and understanding the various controls on this web-site, most importantly the grantee's rights as specified on the trustees page.  All people, trustees included, are only human, and huge sums of money are involved here.

****Some supplementary information regarding "Why?"

  1. this is explained in examples by reading note #2 under example #2 (Balance Sheet)   -------   #1a, furthermore, Teresa Heinz Kerry, in describing herself years ago, said she was a "venture philanthropist", demanding accountability for grants.  We have also agreed that this is normal and appropriate for us as well as her, and we shall continue to require it.   Ruth E. Lilly. known also as the first lady of poetry, had demanded that even her smallest philanthropic grantee, the 3-person Poetry Magazine organization "become financially savvy fast".
  2. you really can't expect us, after the Founder dies, to just hand you these greatly increased sums of money every year without a plan that he has agreed with during his lifetime.   And since time is moving on, this plan must be formulated NOW and the details fleshed out as the years go forward.
  3. this is a furtherance of #2 above.  We wish to be reasonably assured that your organization does not later fall victim to the "temptations that flesh is heir to". 
  4. we remind you once again that rather than have many separate pieces to any one year's email communications, the questions and answers and answers to more questions should ALL be shown on ONE email by using the reply mechanism that emails have.  Do not have more than one email "in process" for any one year.   This is very important and saves time for both your organization and our foundation. 
  5. When we say "able to edit", we suggest that you use MSWord for narratives and MSExcel for spreadsheet-type information in your attachments.  Emails (themselves) are fine for narratives but not for tabulations that read better on spreadsheets.

Send all e-mail to with any questions or comments about this web site. SPECIFY EXACTLY (using copy and paste) (and mentioning this page name) what your question or comment refers to.   Note: in the event that the above information is no longer accurate, see the newer web-page listing various subsequent changes to this web-site after the founder's death.
Copyright © 2000-2005 The Michael Paul Wein Charitable Foundation, Inc