The Michael Paul Wein Charitable Foundation

"Underpromise and Overdeliver"

Table of Contents
Home page

for Beginners Table of Contents Eligibility for grants Initial requirements ongoing requirements FAQs why this info Calendar our goals and mission Our grantees Our trustees Legalities miscellaneous Site Map


How does a reader find his or her way around (or how to find answers to questions?

Where can I find a complete listing of each page of this web-site?     Here it is!!  (all you have to do is to click on the links underlined in purple)

if you are a Beginner in using either the internet or this web-site, perhaps reading the for Beginners page would be a good starting place for you, before you start here.

Home page 

listing the major categories of questions you might wish to have answered   Home page and also see FAQs
Site Map - perhaps a perusal of this page would help you find something you are looking for.

About Grants and Grantees:

what organizations are eligible for consideration for grants? 
and what are the Better Business Bureau's (BBB's) standards for charitable organizations eligibility, upon which we based our own requirements (which have been greatly reduced from those that the BBB requires )?
what does the USA's IRS require of your organization? see IRS Narrative
for all eligible organizations, what are the minimum first year requirements?
some examples of how to prepare acceptable financial statements  
what is the Fast Track to grants and what are that method's downside?
for  eligible organizations, what are the requirements for future years?
some additional details and requirements for future years   
financial statements and info about your annual certification
an example of good financial statements     
a copy of the certification for your annual use
how grantees lack of cooperation created a crisis for us in 2004 that we can not and will not allow happen again
who are our grantees (both past and present)?   
what are the details regarding our lifetime achievement awards?  
what are the details regarding our new transparency awards?
what are the answers to so many FAQs (frequently asked questions)? 
what are some of the very detailed answers to questions we get most often and we have answered in our Correspondence
why must prospective grantees do what they must think is a "whole lot of work to give information to us"?  why this info

About the MPWC Foundation itself:

what are our Goals and Mission ... and what does the MPWCF want to accomplish?    
what are our Founder's beliefs and how did they effect our purposes? 
what do we believe about "transparency of operations"?
what do we believe about the use of volunteers?
what volunteer work can you do to help the MPWCF?
who are our trustees and what are their responsibilities?
how do our trustees replace the founder after his death?
what are the fully disclosed subsequent changes that will have taken place after the Founder's death?
our calendar - what happens when (at what time) each year?
what is the legal structure and what are the legal documents of the MPWCF?    
how has the founder's last will provided for our continuance?
how will this Foundation be funded after the Founder's death?
how can we be sure that the endowment stays intact and grows?  Click past history and future projections
What are current estimates of our future? see recent status
do you want to look at the minutes of our own meetings? 
what the USA Internal Revenue Service (IRS) says about organizations like the MPWCF 
what the Better Business Bureau says about organizations like us 

Miscellaneous matters and all other:    

Audit  procedures that you may use   
a Review of internal controls that you may use 
What does the USA's IRS require of your organization - see IRS Regulations

Guarantees we make to our grantees:    Since our Founder can only physically guarantee our promises during his lifetime, he has arranged for many legal and management controls covering the trustee's actions after his demise.  There is more information regarding this at the following links: FAQs and detailed most specifically at trustees.   In addition, the founders will and the way the Foundation will be funded are an important part of this promise and guarantee.   And, lastly, although there should be no changes after his death from what the Founder decreed on this web-site, any changes that do become necessary must be fully disclosed at subsequent changes and you, the reader, are requested to complain to all authorities if the changes do not appear to be appropriate, or if the trustees are not following the Founder's original instructions.  

A important note about THIS web-site:

This web-site has been created "in-house" so as to reduce our overhead.  Rather than create elaborate graphics and eye-catching exhibits, we have attempted to tell our story, answer all of the questions we have heard in the 5 years of our existence, and allow the reader to find what he or she is looking for quickly.  We know that the reduction of our overhead (now almost zero) leaves more funds for our mission:  that of helping the children of San Miguel.  We also want the reader to know that organizations that spend more of their funding on their own mission, and less funding on overhead, are organizations that we are more likely to fund with our own grants to them.  

Additionally, as we have spent countless months creating this web-site and more time  updating it whenever necessary, we expect any grantee to have spent some time reading and understanding it so that we don't have to "re-invent the wheel" with each individual grantee and what they think are their own unique questions.

Lastly, though, if you have looked for an answer to your question and with full consideration to what we say in the paragraph immediately above, you still can not find your answer, email the question (in specific detail) and we will answer it for you AND place the missing question and missing answer on this web-site.

Site Map < click here to find list of ALL pages

Send all e-mail to with any questions or comments about this web site. SPECIFY EXACTLY (using copy and paste) (and mentioning this page name) what your question or comment refers to.   Note: in the event that the above information is no longer accurate, see the newer web-page listing various subsequent changes to this web-site after the founder's death.
Copyright © 2000-2005 The Michael Paul Wein Charitable Foundation, Inc