copyright Michael Wein, cpa 1996-2005 - all rights reserved - copying of this document
is expressly forbidden without the written permission of the copyright owner
1-Is the fund always kept at a constant, specific amount (total of vouchers
plus cash)?
2-Is the responsibility for each fund vested in only one person?
3-Is the custodian independent of other duties and other individuals that
handle cash or cash items?
4-Are the records that are kept for each fund inaccessible to others until
the fund is reimbursed?
5-Does the custodian obtain a formal receipt or factura (date, amount, what was bought,
reason, etc.) for each payment made?
6-does each payment also require the signature of the recipient of the
payment on each receipt?
7-Are formal receipts reviewed and/or approved by someone other than the custodian prior to replenishing fund?
8-Are formal receipts cancelled in some way so that they cannot be re-used
after each fund is replenished?
9-Is amount in each fund counted by someone other than the custodian at least once
a year?
10-has a maximum amount (over which no cash expenditure can be made) been set
for each fund?
1-is a record kept of checks (and identifiable cash) received, so it can be
reviewed for omissions?
2-are any offering baskets (from the moment they are about to vanish from
public sight) kept in the joint presence of two officials until they are counted and
3-are the receipts from any offering baskets counted and recorded by persons
other than the cashier, treasurer, etc.?
4-are the recorded amounts (see items #1 and #3 above) compared to the records of
deposits to banks?
5-is the entire offering deposited intact without reduction for expenses of
any sort?
6-does someone other than the cashier make the deposits to the bank?
7-is the person who makes such deposits instructed not to cash checks for the
8-are all outside persons aware that pre-numbered duplicate receipts are to be given
for monies received?
9-are duplicate receipts compared in any way to the records which, in
themselves, are to be compared to deposits?
1-are all checks kept in checkbook until issued, not pre-signed until issued,
and issued in chronological order?
2-are voided checks stapled to checkbook and retained therein?
3-are checking account reconciliations done by someone with nothing to do
with cash procedures or check signing?
4-does that someone (item #3 above) receive the bank statements directly from
the bank?
5-during reconciliation, are paid checks examined for date, name, and
endorsements consistent with the cash records?
6-are signatories limited to those who have no access to cash, check or cash
receipts, or other cash records?
7-is the practice of drawing checks payable to "cash" (or similar
names) prohibited or extremely curtailed (and even then allowed only under specific
8-are the checks prepared for signature by someone other than a person
involved in the receipt of checks or cash?
9-does supporting data accompany checks when they are submitted for
10-are the supporting data effectively perforated or
otherwise canceled after payment to prevent
subsequent misuse?
11-has the board specified a minimum amount over which each check must be
1-monies for expenses must not be paid out of cash received prior to its being
deposited in banks!
2-is each item paid for in cash supported by documentation (where normally
available) explaining who, what, when, and why?
3-are all expenses that are paid for in cash, reimbursed by a check made
payable to the fund's custodian, and then only in the EXACT amount of the total of all
expenses at that time being reimbursed at that specific time?
1-are permanent listings (including descriptions, serial numbers, dates and
costs) maintained for assets of significant value (such as office furniture and
equipment and the like)?
2-does anyone compare the permanent listings (item #1 above) to the physical
asset itself on an annual basis?
1-are monthly financial statements prepared in reasonable detail so that the
board of directors can review for omissions of receipts and for inappropriate
expenditures and for variations from budgets?
2-does the board secretary understand that any financially-significant event
should be recorded in the minutes?
3-does each member of the board know that it is each
member's responsibility to ask the financial person for
additional information regarding finances whenever a question arises in the
individual member's mind?
4-are annual meetings of the entire membership scheduled each year at some
constant time of year?
5-are financial statements provided to all non-board members, to help them
review the organization's performance?
6-are the board of directors elected annually by the membership to ensure
turnover among directors?
7-are the officers and responsibilities within the organization rotated
periodically to ensure fresh ideas and fresh energy?
8-are non-board members of the organization allowed access to board meetings
to ensure members' input?
9-are the duties and responsibilities of each financial person in the
organization spelled out in sufficient detail?
10-are the duties of each person in the entire organization rotated after a
specified period of time?
11-are the duties of each person taken over by another person during a
vacation period (which is required at least annually)?
12-is an operating budget prepared annually, and are variations between
budgets and actual results explained monthly?
13-is a double-entry bookkeeping system in use?
14-are excess funds, if any,
handled appropriately so as to maximize income thereon?
15-are all
financial records and minutes of meetings available to all members of all of the
organizations' constituencies so as to maintain transparency?