The Michael Paul Wein Charitable Foundation "Underpromise and Overdeliver" |
These awards were offered (and distributed) in 2005. They may no longer be offered so email us first if you are interested in entering this competition and see if it is being offered at the present time. The Lions Club (winner of a us$1,200 award in 2005) had its entry prepared by an individual that left town shortly afterwards. As a result, The Lions Club may or may not be able to have someone else in their organization prepare (see below for information regarding "improvements from year to year") better financial statements in 2006, which is and was the whole reason behind our offering such awards. These awards will be made to ANY non-profit charitable organization in San Miguel (other than to our current ongoing grantees, however, see note 1 below). The purpose of the transparency awards is to encourage greater transparency in the presentation of financial and other information from organizations that solicit funds from the public. We will not only grant three monetary awards, but we will also publicly endorse organizations' transparency methods and their reporting to the public. If that aids the organization in their fund-raising efforts, so much the better. In addition, all award winning organizations will be shown on this web-site (see table at bottom of this page). Rules and criteria:
As background information that will be useful to any organizations entering the competition, we suggest you click on the following links: note 1 - the only criteria for eligibility that an organization must meet is listed on our web-page Eligibility under the heading "Each new grantee organization MUST:" Due to legal considerations described more fully on that page, we must insist that the first 4 criteria be met; no other criteria on that page must necessarily be met.
Notes applicable to the above Table of Awards: (a)- The Lions Club, after years of submitting poor statements, finally did prepare good statements in 2005. On the other hand, C.A.S.A submitted statements that lacked even the barest of disclosures, and was awarded 2nd prize ONLY because there was no third entry. This is one of only a few pages that may be modified after the Founder's disability, incapacitation, or death. For more information, see subsequent changes |
Send all e-mail to with any questions or comments about this web site.
SPECIFY EXACTLY (using copy and paste) (and mentioning this page name) what your question or comment refers to. Note: in the event that the above information is no longer
accurate, see the newer web-page listing various subsequent changes
to this web-site after the founder's death. |