Regarding the subject of volunteers:
#1 - The MPWCF also needs volunteers - for more
information, click on help us
#2 - regarding all other organizations, In our opinion, working with a volunteer staff entails
a lot of the following:
 | a balancing of the costs of hiring employees (costing
much money
that can otherwise be used for your mission) against the non-monetary
rewarding of volunteers |
 | volunteers should be compensated with recognition, with
promotions (causing a variety of enjoyable experiences), with psychic rewards (your guess
on what
these are, is better than ours) and other compensation that does not reduce your
mission-directed funding |
 | it should be recognized that keeping (by reducing turnover)
volunteers is not easy but is critical to your success as a most-likely underfunded
charitable organization |
 | organizations that get the reputation of rewarding their
volunteers by inviting them to many expensive parties are not, in our
opinion, spending their funding well. |
 | organizations that invest a little time in training
their volunteers at the various jobs they offer, generally get volunteers
that are (in addition to being better at their jobs) volunteers who improve
all future job training. |
 | organizations that invest a little time in writing up each job's description and
the requirements of each job, generally harvest dividends
similar to those described immediately above. |
 | organizations that move volunteers around in the job
responsibilities available in their organizations, generally get a better
organization with happier volunteers, better ideas flowing through the
organization, and an organization that will more likely continue to thrive
for a longer future. |
 | as our small part in helping your organization
accomplish more of the above, we offer three awards (one is monetary).
See lifetime achievement |