The Michael Paul Wein Charitable Foundation

"Underpromise and Overdeliver"

annual certification
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We require that each prospective grantee submit each year, with its final grant submission, the following certification, submitted both in email form AND on paper (with signatures in ink) form.    The below information format contains links to the underlying detailed instructions for your use. The actual (for your copying and editing and reproducing) copy for your usage can be found at certification letter.

The annual letter to the MPWCF should read as follows:

The undersigned principals of (insert name of your organization) certify that for the current grant year (insert year) our organization has read, understood, and complied with your requirements as specified on your web-site at and most specifically, we answer the following questions (with a "yes/no change/no (if “no”, explain" answer):

  1. If there has been any changes in our answers to questions 1-19 of your 1st year requirements page as submitted by us last year or any prior year, we re-submitted a newer and more current version of this latest "questions 1-19" statement.     
  2. We submitted (both by email and on paper attached to this certification) one combined detailed financial statement that includes this year's actuals, last year's actuals, this year's budget, and next year's budget figures (using a format similar to that shown on your financials-example page). 
  3. We submitted a reconciliation of last year's ending balances to this year's ending balances (using a format similar to that shown on your  financials-example web-pages).  
  4. We have reviewed your latest "open questions" from the prior year and answered them completely (using a copy of your questions from last year, and adding our answers to it as a reply).   
  5. *** The financial statement makes sufficient "disclosure notes" where any outsider would not otherwise understand the true meaning of any category.  And where significant variations occur between years, they are explained in the "disclosure notes" (as explained throughout your web-site, including on the examples and finls-example web-pages). .
  6. *** Our financial statements clearly disclose answers to your questions (regarding "mission vs. overhead" and "net cost of fund-raising") as shown near the top of your some details page of your web-site.  
  7. *** We have sent you this year's updated disclosure of our plans to control and use the vastly greater grants we expect to receive after the death of your Founder.  
  8. *** We have sent a current year's evaluation of our internal controls and our internal audit procedures.  
  9. *** We have answered the second set of questions (1 to 3, regarding internal processes) shown on your some details page of your web-site.
  10. *** To the best of our knowledge and belief, we are complying with all applicable laws of the USA IRS to ensure contributions to our organization are USA tax deductible.  We have reviewed the two pages IRS regulations and IRS financial requirements    
  11. In all other respects, to the best of our individual knowledge and belief, we have complied with the requirements set forth on your web-site.  
  12. at least one of the undersigned has so far to date read, understood, and agreed that we have complied with all requirements of your web-pages that are cumulatively listed on the attached edited copy of your Site Map web-page.

*** These questions need be answered ONLY by grantees who have already received two or more grants from the MPWCF.

This certification is to be signed by the following (please have your chief financial person and chief administrative person and chief executive sign this certification).

Send all e-mail to with any questions or comments about this web site. SPECIFY EXACTLY (using copy and paste) (and mentioning this page name) what your question or comment refers to.   Note: in the event that the above information is no longer accurate, see the newer web-page listing various subsequent changes to this web-site after the founder's death.
Copyright © 2000-2005 The Michael Paul Wein Charitable Foundation, Inc