| |
This web-page is specifically written FOR the new trustee who
has just been selected to replace the
founder, Michael Wein, but the other trustees should also find it important to
Other non-trustee readers probably will not find it useful.
Obviously, this web-page is not applicable until
AFTER the demise of the Founder.
This is a not-necessarily-the-most current copy of this
instructional file.
Please obtain the most current copy by going to my
computer and printout (make three copies - one copy for each trustee) of BOTH
this file PLUS c:\_mydocs\sym\my-found\cf@death.wr1 (the latter MUST be an
ALLWAYS formatted - for readability - printout). FYI, to get ALLWAYS formatting,
you must use Symphony (see icon on desktop - then hit Ignore once or twice -
then #34 for MPWCF - then retrieve the above 2 files individually). In Symphony,
on your keyboard, hit F9, A, A, then Allways. then I, then Allways once more.
When the appropriate screen is obtained, merely PRINT it by hitting / and then P
and then G (after turning on the surge protector strip and then the 24-pin NEC
printer and making sure that the Y-box (grey box sitting on cabinets between
printers) is set to B.
Hello, new Trustee. You are about to replace me, the
Founder of this Foundation, The MPWCF, Inc. At the time I wrote this, I could
not be sure whether I would have died or merely become so disabled (mentally or
physically) that I can no longer do this, but this paper is intended to help you
assume my responsibilities.
The blue looseleaf binder containing the minutes and bylaws
(which can also be read online on this web-site at minutes
and at Legalities) and this online website itself are the public
RULES for running the MPWCF after my death. The HardDrive computer files of each
of these documents must supercede any online or printed copy of each of them, as the
updates FIRST come from the MSFrontPage computer file and are later uploaded and posted to
the online version of this page.
To bring yourself up-to-speed, you should read all of the
pages in our web-site which currently is at http://smanumber1/tripod.com.
To speed the process, the most important pages are Our trustees,
FAQs, Calendar, and then after
those 3, ALL of the others. These pages will give you much of the
guidance you need. Supporting these pages are pages in (click on icon for) MSFrontPage (which software has created these pages on the web and may be more
up-to-date than the web-site itself, which has been "uploaded" from MSFrontPage periodically. By the way,
if I die before finishing this website (I should be finished by 1/1/2008), you should up-load these more current pages
by going to the icon for FTP-Ace, then click on CONNECT, then click on MPWCF-FOUNDATION, then look in the lower left-hand window and HIGHLIGHT all relatively
- you will have to decide which these are - NEW FILES, then click on EDIT and
then on "copy to right", next watch the middle of the screen where at
Confirm collision action" appears, then just check off "set action as
default" and then click on "overwrite" and watch as all files get
uploaded. You can upload as many pages (or files) as you want at one time. These
pages should be uploaded as soon as possible so that everyone who wants to see
the pages, gets to see the same "most current" pages on the
After you become my replacement, you MUST make certain
changes on these FrontPage file pages (and then upload them to the web-site, as
discussed above), mostly the change in the email address, and replacing my name
information with your name information. By the time you read this,
however, it may be that I've completed the web-site and the only pages that need
or be or are allowed to be updated are the lifetime achievement,
subsequent changes, and/or transparency awards
pages. Even minutes of meetings that take place
after my death or disability are to be posted only to the subsequent changes
page and not on the minutes page.
After you have read each page (possibly more than once),
you can also read the documentation in the blue looseleaf binder in the office
called "MPWCFoundation"
Now for some details:
Where are the physical paper-copies of corporate records:
The following documents are mostly in blue binder named
 | .. accounting (annual reports to the Trustees) |
 | .. legal documents (ctf of incorporation, bylaws,
minutes, agreements, etc.) |
 | .. tax returns (original request to IRS for tax-exempt
status; annual 990s are not required until MPWCF gets most assets -- this
probably will happen at the close of the first year after my death, because
the "minimums" for not filing will THEN be exceeded) - this will
also be true for Texas annual reports as well (see MORE on this subject
later on below). |
 | .. and where is the correspondence with grantees and
prospective grantees
 | ....older correspondence will most probably be found
in a file that is named c:\_mydocs\0-email\0savfyl\mwcf-cor.sav\*.txt files
as well as the most current correspondence which can be found in the
Eudora (email) software "mailbox files" (all starting with
"FDN...., etc. mailboxes") |
Where are the computer files:
 | ...in many different c:\_mydocs\sym\my-found files, |
 | ...in c:\_mydocs\0Foundtn use "my computer" on
the desktop, then click C:\, then _mydocs and then \0FOUNDTN, then click on
the files themselves - they open automatically), |
 | ...(click on icon for) Eudora mailboxes named with names
starting with FDN...etc. |
 | ...also while in Eudora, use File>open
\0-email\0savefyl\mwcf-cor.sav\*.txt files |
 | ...(click on icon for) Front Page and look at each *.htm
file |
 | ...(click on icon for) Excel and file>open \0xlsfyls\mpwcFYLS\*.xls
files |
 | ...(click on icon for) H-all other files, then click on
ProSeries, then click on menu choice for HOMEBASE VIEW (see upper left
corner) that chooses "Form 990: Tax-exempt Org" and then choose
"The Michael Paul Wein Charitable Foun |
 | ...there might also be some help in c:\_mydocs\sym\est8plan\@deathmw,
at items #9, #12, #12A, #13, #17, #28 and #57 |
Where are the printouts of any of the above:
.. mostly in the blue looseleaf binder
How to handle and then invest the big monies coming in
after my death:
 | ..The first step to understanding MY wishes is in
reading the "Trustees" section of the web-site (or on FrontPage
itself). Understand this section (and all sections) before going on to the
following. |
 | ..Before (or currently with) reading the next paragraph,
the ALLWAYS print-out of cf@death.wr1 should be available to review/read at
the same time. |
 | ..Monies should arrive as follows: 1>after my death,
rental income from two upstairs tenants should continue to arrive; 2>rent
from the much bigger downstairs area should arrive after my executor exits
and this area is also rented prior to the sale of the house); 3)monies from my will (monies bequeathed to
persons who did NOT outlive me are to revert to the MPWCF instead); 4)monies
from the sale of my house, some time later, after the house is sold; 5)if
all of the foregoing is less than $1,000,000, then my estate MUST make up
the balance to equal $1,000,000. |
 | ..Where to place money: if it makes sense to do so, open
a peso account at Lloyds and deposit all rental receipts there since some of
that will be necessary to use to pay peso expenses of the house until it is
sold; keep exact accounting for every peso that comes in or goes out; obtain
all receipts for every expenditure since these are needed in case of an IRS
audit. For monies that come in in USdollars (chiefly from rents of the downstairs portion of the house, plus items #3, #4, and
#5 above), deposit these funds in the MPWCF's money market mutual fund at
Wall Street Access Brokerage account (or maybe other MPWCF brokerage
accounts, if they exist at that time); use this account to pay Foundation
expenses such as grants and other expenses, as well as for the cost of new
investments. Keep supporting documents which will be necessary for IRS
purposes later. |
 | ..Invest monies out the above brokerage accounts as
 | ..... see Trustees section of FrontPage describing
the concept of investing which you and the other trustees are to follow. |
As background, it would be useful at this time to study the
most recent MPWCF Financial Statements and any c:\_mydocs\sym\my-found files
that show "ck-bks" and "cashflow". There is an illustration
of how to do much of this in c:\_mydocs\sym\my-found\cf@death.wr1. During the
interim period between my loss of lucidity (this could be prior to my death or
at my death) and the receipt of monies received from the sale of the house, the
cash flow of the Foundation could take many possibilities. See the example
spreadsheet called "cf@death.wr1"
How to continue the course of current grants:
 | ..It is my wish that monies given to any charity that
are designated as on-going grants (as opposed to those designated as
one-time grants) be continued year after year in amounts at least as great
as the previous year (if not greater). There will be occasions (see
"Trustees" on web-site; also see \cf@death.wr1 in this directory)
where this is not appropriate, or in case of a prolonged "down" or
"bear" market, this is not possible, but other than these
instances, this policy should be observed. Therefore, in cases when future
conditions are not ascertainable or very doubtful, it might be wise to give
"ongoing" grantees an ongoing grant EQUAL to last year's on-going
grant PLUS a one-time grant that is described as "not necessarily to be
paid again next year". It might be a good idea to give ongoing grants
equal or slightly higher to only the physical cash received from dividends
(or interest, if appropriate) and let MOST of the appreciation
"ride" in anticipation of future "down" markets.
Remember to keep a running tally of the inflation factor (figure 2% or more
- see cf@death.wr1) so that there is a long-term attempt to let the
portfolio increase over a period of years to at least reflect the loss of
buying power due to inflation. |
How to find additional grantees:
 | ..Using Atencion, the SMA coollists (all of them), and word of mouth,
periodically search for additional grantees. But, scattered here and there in
these instructions (and in Trustees on web-site) are reasons why certain
organizations are NOT to be considered. There are also reasons why some of
our larger grants are NOT to be increased. There are also some reasons why
certain grants should be decreased or eliminated altogether. These are all
"fine-line" situations where the circumstances must be examined.
In any event, however, the criteria for all grants MUST be always observed
for the most part. |
How to file tax reports (previously unnecessary because we
were under all limitations (i.e., we were too small until now):
 | .. Form 990 (ascertain which one - 990, 990PF, 990EZ,
etc.) must be filed (probably for the first time) when we exceed certain
"small time" limitations. When the bigger money comes in from the
sale of the house and the investments start to throw off income, that time
WILL arrive. |
 | .. Texas Franchise reports will probably be due annually
when (these are 2003 limitations) gross receipts (dividends and
contributions, etc.) exceed $150,000 a year OR capital exceeds $40,000 and
earned surplus exceeds $2,222) |
 | .. An illustration of Form 990 resides on (click on
desktop icon for) ProSeries, then click on menu choice for HOMEBASE VIEW
(see upper left corner) that chooses "Form 990: Tax-exempt Org"
and then choose "The Michael Paul Wein Charitable Foun" |
Regarding the above tax returns, I strongly suggest that
you read IRS Form 1023 - Application for ... wherein we originally applied
for our current privileged status by making certain assertions (promises)
that we have kept during my lifetime, BUT it is possible that there will NOW
(with the greater abundance of funds available at my death) be changes that
must be taken into consideration (things to DO, other things we can not DO)
at this time. Since we will be reporting to IRS on Form 990 for the first
time, it is important to IMMEDIATELY (i.e., in the year of my death and the
first two or 3 years thereafter) KNOW of these things to do or not to do.
Form 1023 can be found in the blue binder for the Foundation, in the section
marked Form 1023, and be sure to read the answers to the questions asked,
especially on the five pages of attachments that I wrote myself.
of the Board of Trustees:
 | ..recruit an additional "board of kitchen
advisors" (if this does not already exist) to think of things not
thought of (ideas, potential problems, new recipients, etc.) by myself and
the other two current trustees. Out of this should come replacement trustee
discussions, etc. |
 | ..during my lifetime, I was pretty much responsible for
the entire board of trustees and there were few decisions to be made
(because the only money coming in was from me each year). Now, with the
greater number of dollars concerned, it will be critically important for the
all 3 trustees to run this foundation. The other two trustees should be made
aware of the information that I've given you (including by reference to the
web-site and to other computer files) and shown their responsibilities in
the future. |
 | ..after my death, the officers of the MPWCF should
change from me being all three of President, Secretary, and Treasurer, to
all 3 of the trustees individually being only 1 each of the 3. |